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Q: How does the size of capillaries relate to their function?
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What is the function of the capillaries in the human circulatory system?

The function of the capillaries in the circulatory system is to allow diffusion of wastes, oxygen, and nutrients to the tissues. The rest of the circulatory system is designed to move the blood to the capillaries so they can perform this function.

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Are Capillaries and arteries are similar in size?

Capillaries are alot smaller than arteries.

Are capillaries and arteries similar in size?

No. Arteries are the largest blood vessels and capillaries are the smallest.

What function do the capillaries serve for in the skin of a rat?

they provide heat

Can the human body function without capillaries?

hi raleigh

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Blood capillaries

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function of anchoring filaments are to held open the lymphatic capillaries. Datuna

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