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Unlike seedless vascular plants gymnosperms do not require water to transport the sperm. Instead a partly developed microgametophyte (pollen grain) is transferred to the viscinity of the megagametophyte (female) passively by the wind this process is called pollination. After pollination the endosporic microgametophyte produces a pollen tube and drops the sperm into the female ovary (i believe this is called pollination drop).

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13h ago

Sperm is propelled from the testes through the vas deferens, where it mixes with fluids from the seminal vesicles and prostate gland to form semen. During ejaculation, the semen is released from the penis and travels through the female reproductive system to reach the egg in the fallopian tubes.

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14y ago

The sperm goes through a tube from the male testes to the prostate gland where it is mixed with seminal fluid and stored. It waits until sexual intercourse when then is ejected out the penis and is deposited in the vagina. It swims through the mucus plug where the cholesterol cap is removed. It works its way up the uterus to the Fallopian tubes. There it meets the egg.

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Q: How does the sperm get to the egg cell from the male testes?
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sperm or an egg. Each contain 1/2 the total DNA of a normal cell. The sperm and egg combine to put these two halves together and create a new DNA combination that is unique to the individual (unless they have an identical sibling/s)

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Sperm and egg cells are gametes, or reproductive cells. The sperm is the male reproductive cell. The egg is the female reproductive cell.

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The human gametes are the sperm cell (male) and the egg cell (female). The chromosomes carried by the sperm cell can have two forms, the X cell (female offspring) or the Y cell (male offspring). These combine with the egg cell, which virtually always carries only an X chromosome. So an XX cell would develop as a female, and an XY cell would result in a male offspring.

What is the reprdouction?

the easisest way i can explain is this is when an egg meets a sperm. an egg is a male cell and egg is a female cell

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The testes are part of the reproductive system in male animals. The testes are the site of sperm production. The testes function to keep the sperm warm enough, so that they stay alive long enough to fertilize an egg.

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Gamete (a male or female sex cell ie the egg or the sperm)

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Female- egg. Male- sperm.

What is the name of male sex cell in animals?

In animals it would be called a sperm. In plants I assume the answer would be the pollen, however, the pollen is not necessarily one cell. Even if it is one cell it will have more than one nucleus (2 or 3).