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Q: How does the structure of gill make it an ideal excretory organ?
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How does the structure of a gill make it an idea excretory organ?

Fishes also excrete salts via lamellae if the gills, which is vital in maintaining homeostasis. They also secete their nirogenous wastes through gills.

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It is a gill chamber.

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the gill

What is gill filament?

Gill filament is the internal structure of a gill. It is red and flesh like in texture. It assists the blood from flowing through the body to the gills.

Describe the excretory system of a great a hammerhead shark?

· Sharp Vision· Wide head· 2 dorsal fins· 5 gill slits

What is the function of gill bailer?

Its a structure attached to the gills of crustaceans like lobsters. it sort of beats, causing water to flow in and out of the gill chamber.

What is a filamentous organ that allows for the exchange of gases underwater?

A gill is a filamentous organ specialized for the exchange of gases underwater. Some aquatic animals have gills that are adapted in such a way so as to allow them to breathe out of the water.

Where did Ernest Rutherford discover the structure of the atom?

Ernest Rutherford worked in Manchester (UK) and at Mac Gill (Canada).

What are the characteristics of nonvertebrate chordate?

Chordates are the organisms that have a rod like cartilagenous structure called notochord which gives rise to nervous system. These have pharyngeal gill slits. Nonchordates are the organisms that do not have a notochord. These do not have pharyngeal gill slits.

Which organ in the fish is the most similar to the human respiratory system?

whereas we have lungs for ventillation, the fish use gills, on the side of their head, usually. As they swim, water flows over the gills and oxygen diffuses from the water into their blood stream. :) if you need more info, then search gills on google! :D