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Q: How does the structure of the Virginia Plan emphasize key ideas?
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What plan was vague to the structure of the executive but specified the national executive consist of a single person?

Virginia plan

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Which state was the first to offer to plan for how to structure the new government?


Was the Virginia Plan before the great compromise?

Yes, the Virginia Plan was written before the Great Compromise along with the New Jersey plan. The Congress decided to take some ideas from the Virginia Plan and some from the New Jersey Plan to create a plan that worked for both of them, and as a result, the Great Compromise was created.

What was the vague as to the structure of the executive but specified the national executive consist of a single person?

Virginia plan

What plan did we go with the Virginia or New Jersey?

james madison for the virginia plan and william patterson for the new jersey plan

This document proposed that Congress could force a state to obey a national law?

Virginia Plan

How did the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey plan each propose to structure the new national legislature?

The Virginia Plan proposed that the new legislature have representation based on a states population. The New Jersey Plan proposed that the new legislature let each state have the same number of representatives.

Which of these plans proposed that both the judicial and executive beaches could veto laws?

Virginia Plan

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention decided to base the Constitution on the drafted by James Madison?

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention decided to base the Constitution on the Virginia Plan, which was drafted by James Madison. The Virginia Plan called for a strong central government with separate branches and a bicameral legislature. Madison's plan heavily influenced the structure and principles of the Constitution.

What plan at the Philadelphia Convention favored the large states because it wanted representation based on population?

Virginia plan

What plan called for a bicameral legislature?

Virginia plan