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The sun doesn't travel around the earth. The earth travels around the sun.

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Q: How does the sun travel around the earth?
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Does the earth travel around the moon or does the moon travel around the sun?

the moon travels around the earth,and the earth travels around the sun

Does the sun travel around the sun?

That doesn't make any sense. If you ment, 1. "Does the sun travel around the earth?" or 2. "Does the earth travel around the sun?" The answer is 2.

Does the sun only travel once around the earth every 24 hours?

The sun does not travel around the Earth, Earth travels around the sun. The Earth rotates once every 24 hours.

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The Sun

The Earth travels around the sun every?

it takes exactly one year for the earth to travel around the sun

What do planets do as they travel around earth?

They don't travel around earth they revolve around the sun and they rotate and one trip around the sun takes 365 and 1/4 days

What is the earth's travel around the sun called?

A revolution

What is earth's complete travel around the sun?

around 365 days

What is the travel of the earth around the sun in years?

One year.

How long does it take for the Earth to travel around the Sun?

It takes the earth 365 and a quarter days to orbit the sun

Which planet takes84 earth year to take a trip around the sun?

Uranus takes 84 earth years to travel around the sun.

How many earth days does it take Venus to travel around the earth once?

Venus revolves around the sun, not the earth.