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Q: How does the supraspinatus muscle lift the arm?
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Which muscle do you contract when you flex your arm?

supraspinatus muscle

What is the abductor of the upper arm?

Abduction of the arm occurs in three segments, and hence is performed by three different sets of muscles. From 0-15 degrees, the arm is abducted by the Supraspinatus muscle. From 15-90 degrees, the arm is abducted by the Deltoid muscle. From 90-180 degrees, the arm as abducted by the Trapezius muscle with help from the Serratus Anterior muscle.

What are the muscles that contribute to the rotator cuff?

1- Supraspinatus and its function is to abduct the arm ,and it's innervated by the Suprascapular nerve. 2- Infraspinatus muscle and its function is to externally rotate the arm ,and it's innervated by the Suprascapular nerve. 3- Teres minor muscle and its function is to externally rotate the arm ,and it's innervated by the Axillary nerve. 4- Subscapularis muscle and its function is to internally rotate the humerus ,and it's innervated by the Upper and Lower subscapular nerve.

What muscle extends and adducts the humerus?

Both the supraspinatus and deltoid muscles are the main ones respnosible for abduction of the arm. The supraspinatus is responsible for abducting the arm for the first 15 degrees, while the deltoid is responsible for abducting the arm after 15 degrees.

What is the para scapular muscle?

The muscle that you are looking for is probably the supraspinatus

What is the muscle when you raise your arm?

The raising of the arm can be divided into three phase. The initial phase is carried out by the supraspinatus muscle. After the arm as been raised to 30 degrees, the deltoid muscle takes over. This muscle performs this action until the horizontal plane. In the last phase, the serratus anterior raises the arm above the horizontal plane. So the answer to your question is the supraspinatus muscle, deltoid muscle, and the serratus anterior muscle.

What muscle in the body initiate abduction of the arm?

The main abductors of the arm are the supraspinatus and deltoids. Rotation can be internal or external. The main internal rotators are the subscapularis and teres major. The main external rotators are the infraspinatus and teres minor.

What muscle inserts on the greater tubercle of humerus?


Name the origin of the supraspinatus muscle?

Supraspinous fossa of the Scapula

What causes abduction of the arm?

There are two muscles that move the arm away from the body (abduction), the supraspinatus and the deltoid.

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What muscle is The triangular muscle that helps to lift your arm above your head is?

That is the deltoidus muscle, or simply 'deltoid' muscle. In the Greek alphabet, the letter 'delta' is a triangle shape.