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The system of federalism balances the power of states and the national government because it gives greater powers to the national government so that our nation did not turn out as a confederacy but it also keeps certain reserved powers for the states that can be denied or taken away by the national government. Not to mention the fact that our states are involved in national politics as well as their own and thereby or national government cannot make all the decisions for the country and the states without our (the people) approval.

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Q: How does the system of federalism balance the power of states and the national government?
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between the national government and the states

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A government that divides power between the states and the national government

How does federalism keep balance between states and the national government?

Basically in layman terms the states cannot make any kind of laws that would violate the national government like. And the national government cannot make any laws that would violate a right of the people in the states. basically its like a check a balance for each other keeping it fair and even.

What is the principle of dividing powers between a national government and state governments called?

Separation of powers is the process of separating branches of government. In the United States, the three branches of government balance each other.

What is federalism defined as?

Federalism is a form of government where the National government, and the States government is shared, and equalized so none gain power over one another.

What is the best explanation of federalism?

It is a form of government in which the power is divided between the states and the national government.

What the best explanation of federalism?

It is a form of government in which the power is divided between the states and the national government.

What is the best explanation for federalism?

The form of government in which power is divided between the national government an the states

Which best defines federalism?

Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units, such as states or provinces. This division of power allows for a balance between national unity and regional autonomy.

In America version of Federalism power is shared how?

between the national government and the states