

How does the telegraph key operate?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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THe telegraph key is a switch. Tapping it closes a circuit and send a pulse of electricity down the line. These taps are used to code messages.

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telegraph was an old machine invented by Thomas Edison, to talk to each other.

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HOW THEY MADE A MORSE CODE MACHINE Samuel F.B. Morse and Alfred Vail developed an electric telegraph which sent pulses of electrical current to control an electromagnet that was located at the receiving end of the telegraph wire.

Who uses the telegraph key?

every one back in the old days

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Dr. David Alter invented the telegraph during the year of 1836, although Samuel Morse made several key developments in the invention.

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The electrical telegraph system was not created until the 1800s. The closest thing to the telegraph in the 1700s was a visual semaphore system. The Morse system, using a telegraph key to send a system of dots and dashes (Morse Code) was patented in 1837.

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Does a telegraph use electricity?

Yes. Each short tap of the Morse key sent a burst of electricity down the line.

How do you use the Samuel Morse telegraph?

The telegraph uses a "telegraph key" to send the Morse code. The code is a series of dots and dashes that is used in specific combinations to represent letters of the alphabet. When the telegraph key is closed, a transmitter that it is connected to it sends out a CW (continuous wave) of the frequency that the transmitter is tuned to. The letters are formed by the length of time that the transmitter key is held down. For example the letter A ( . _ ) , it is a dot and a dash, the key is held down for a short specific time for the dot and the dash is formed by holding the key down for twice as long as the dot. An average telegrapher can read 15 words a minute, this is 15 words x 5 letters per word = 75 letters a minute. Good telegraphers can double this speed up to 30 words a minute.

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If the computer you are using is connected to the internet, when you press the 'web key' it will take you to the browser that is installed on your computer.

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A telemarketing because it is part of a telegraph.

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A telegraph key.