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Q: How does the type of paper affect how long it burns?
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No it all depends on the type of waxand how long the wick is.

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At what temperature will paper burn?

the burning rate of paper actually depends on the type of paper because they all have different densitys which will affect the burning rate of each type conclusion there are different burning rates.

What color construction paper burns fastest?

Type your answer here... hi im paul

How does the type of paper airplane affect how far it goes?

the lighter the paper the easier the lift.Heavey paper will drop quicker.

Does a hole affect a paper airplane?

The effect of a hole on a paper airplane would depend on the type of paper airplane the hole is on, and where it is on the aircraft.

Does the type of fuel affect the temperature of fire?

Yes. As a general rule the faster it burns the hotter it gets.

Does the type of paper affect how far an airplane flies?

well some paper can be more heavy than other paper so yes

Which type of coal burns long but dos not provide lots of energy?


What is the rate of paper?

the burning rate of paper actually depends on the type of paper because they all have different densitys which will affect the burning rate of each type conclusion there are different burning rates.

Does the type of wood afeect how it burns?

Yes, the type of wood does affect of how it burns. Some types of wood have a thick bark which lets thick smoke out. On the other side if it does not have thick bark it won't burn as well as thick bark.