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Q: How does the use of mitosis differ in mature animals?
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What animals undergo mitosis?

both. mitosis is for growth and development while meiosis is for creating gametes in order to continue the species

Do pigs use meiosis or mitosis?

Many organisms use mitosis and meiosis. Namely, all eukaryotes probably use mitosis and meiosis. Only bacteria (prokaryotes) would not divide by mitosis and have no mechanism for meiosis as their chromosomes differ from those of eukaryotes.But eukaryotes all have the capacity for mitosis and meiosis. Eukaryotes include all animals, plants, protists and fungi.Thus, since pigs are animals (and are thus eukaryotes), then indeed they have cells that divide by mitosis and meiosis. Their body cells (somatic cells) divide by mitosis (for growth and repair). Their gametes (sperm cells and ova) are produced by meiosis as these cells must be divided to a haploid form before copulation and fertilisation. Two haploid gametes would fuse (fertilisation) to restore the resulting cell (zygote) to a diploid form. The zygote grows into a new piglet via mitosis.

What are christians attitudes to the use of animals in medical research?

As a religion we dislike the use of animals. But individual views differ.

How do Fish Differ from Other Vertebrate Animals?

They use there fins

How do you use mitosis in a sentence?

Mitosis is a noun:'The cell performed mitosis.'

How do fish differ to all other vertebrate animals?

they use paired fins to move through water(:

Can you give a sentence using mitosis?

I cannot use mitosis in a sentence.

What do muticellul ar organisms use mitosis for?

Mitosis is cell division in eukaryotic cells. They use them to reproduce.

How can you use the word mitosis in a sentence?

Mitosis is used as a noun in sentences. Nerve cells rarely undergo mitosis.

Why doesnt bacteria reproduce by mitosis?

it does use mitosis, it doesn't reproduce by meiosis.

Can you use mitosis in a sentence?

Mitosis is the process in which the material from the cell nucleus divides.

What can you use to observe cells going through mitosis?

use a microscope observe cells going through mitosis