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Rainforests play a large part in regulating the water cycle. Rainforests help through the process of transpiration, which is the release of water from a plant's leaves during photosynthesis.

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Q: How does the water cycle relates to the forests?
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Why cutting of forests affects the water cycle?

Cutting of forests affects the water cycle because forests are the main part of water cycle. It is the factor which is balancing the water cycle to complete its cycle. Forests cause rain without forests, it is nearly impossible to create water cycle for the nature itself. Forests also prevents soil errosion.

What effect would the presence of forests have on the water cycle?

Forests promote water cycle. They transpire.

Explain how this relates to a drop of water In the water cycle?

ion know

How does water come back to the oceans?

Run off from rivers in to the Ocean. Relates to the water cycle. For more info google the water cycle.

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What is the human water cycle?

The ways in which the water cycle involves humans includes water pollution and causing damage to forests by cutting down trees. Humans are also responsible for using large amounts of water.

What is the water cycle involving humans?

The ways in which the water cycle involves humans includes water pollution and causing damage to forests by cutting down trees. Humans are also responsible for using large amounts of water.

How do forests help to maintain the water table?

Rainforests play a large part in regulating the water cycle. Rainforests help through the process of transpiration, which is the release of water from a plant's leaves during photosynthesis.

What does the expression as it relates to mean?

It means how something is related to something else. For example, "explain evaporation as it relates to the water cycle" they would want to know how evaporation is relevant to the water cycle and what it does to be important in that specific setting. It means that something is being discussed in a specific way that is important to the thing is is relating to, not justanythingthere is to know about thatsubjective.

What is the role of the forest maintaining water cycle?

The role of forests in the water cycle is very important because through the process of transpiration (in which plants release water from their leaves during photosynthesis). This moisture contributes to the formation of rain clouds, which release the water back onto the forest. Than this water cycle again goes on.

If a regions forests are cut down do you think the amount of rainfall in that region will increase or decrease?

decrease, since trees are an important part in the cycle of water

What kind of animals live near a water cycle?

The water cycle includes the ocean, the atmosphere, and the landforms around the world, so every animal lives near the water cycle. However, if you are asking what kinds of animals live near a waterfall, this will depend upon which waterfall you are asking about - Niagara Falls in the temperate forests of the US, Angel Falls in the rainforest, etc.