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Historians rely on written records to piece together events from the past, whereas archaeologists study physical remains. The availability and preservation of written records tend to be better for recent events than for earlier ones, leading to more information being known about recent history. Additionally, recent events may have more witnesses or documentation, making them more accessible for study.

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Q: How does the work of historians and archaeologists help explain why we know more about recent events than ones that occurred earlier?
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Someone who studies history is called what?

Someone who studies history is called a historian. Historians research, analyze, and interpret historical events, people, and societies to understand and explain the past.

What is a person who studies events and the past?

A person who studies events and the past is called a historian. Historians analyze and interpret historical evidence to understand and explain past events, societies, and cultures.

One goal of classic archaeology?

One goal of classic archaeology is to study and understand past human societies through the excavation, analysis, and interpretation of material remains such as artifacts, structures, and ancient landscapes. This allows archaeologists to reconstruct and explain the cultural, social, and economic processes that shaped these societies.

Explain what an archaeologist does and what archaeology contributes to the study and understanding of early man?

Archaeologists study ancient human civilizations by analyzing artifacts, structures, and other material remains to reconstruct past societies. They excavate sites, analyze findings, and interpret data to understand human behavior, culture, and evolution. Archaeology contributes to understanding early man by providing insights into their daily lives, technological advances, social structures, and interactions with their environment — helping us piece together the puzzle of our evolutionary history.

What is a climatologists contribution to archaeology?

Climatologists contribute to archaeology by studying past climates to help interpret how environmental changes may have influenced ancient civilizations. By analyzing things like pollen data, ice cores, and sediment layers, climatologists can provide valuable insights into how past societies may have adapted to or been impacted by climatic shifts. This interdisciplinary approach can help archaeologists better understand the relationship between humans and their environment throughout history.