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Tidal movement produces energy when tidal generators are placed in areas where the movement of the tide is dramatic. This movement causes the turbines in the generators to turn and produces motor movement.

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Q: How does tidal movement produce energy?
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How is geothermal energy different from tidal energy?

geothermal is the heat from the earth being used to produce electric power VS tidal use the movement of the oceans tides to produce electric power.

How much energy does tidal energy produce in one day?

The amount of Watts a tidal energy gives is 200-300W

What is energy from ocean water?

The energy produced by the movement of ocean water is Tidal Energy

What are some examples of tidal energy being used?

tidal energy is used to turn turbines which drive generators to produce electricity

Tidal power how the energy source is turned into usable energy?

Large underwater turbines are placed in areas where tidal forces are high. Here they capture the energy produced by tidal motions to turn generators and produce electricity.

Why it is the energy produce from the movement of electrons?

Energy is the movement of electrons, this is hard to wrap your head around, but that is what energy is.

What type of energy is produce when biking?

Kinetic energy. Kinetic is movement

What type of energy is tidal power?

Renewable. It uses the movement of the oceans to generate electricity when it is used for power.

How does tidal movement make energy?

When the tide goes out, or in it turns large turbines and then a motor creates the electricity.

What are 2 ways the ocean can provide energy?

Wave action and tidal currents are being utilized today to produce electrical energy.

What energy sources produce no greenhouse gasses?

Renewable energy sources produce no greenhouse gases.Examples are solar, hydro, wind, wave, tidal, geothermal, biomass, biofuel and others.

What is the history of tidal energy?

tidal energy is created by turbines that does make tidal power