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Q: How does tobacco effects your liver?
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Are effects of tobacco and alcohol the same?

Tobacco effects mainly the respiratory system and nervous system. Alcohol effects the circulatory system the digestive system (e.g. liver) and the nervous system.

How does chewing tobacco effect liver disease?

Tobacco may induce certain cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver, thereby increasing the susceptibility of smokers to the potentially hepatotoxic effects of some drugs, including acetaminophen. It may also diminish the liver 's ability to detoxify dangerous substances, and it may affect the dose of medication required to treat a particular liver disease. Furthermore, it may worsen the course of alcoholic liver disease.

Does chewing tobacco cause liver disease?

that's a negative

What are all the effects of alcohal on the liver?

There are no effects on the liver unless a person abuses alcohol over a period of many years or decades. However, alcohol abuse can lead to cirrhosis, or permanent scarring of the liver, and many other dangerous diseases.

Which might be the focus of an anti-tobacco advertisement?

the long-term effects of tobacco use.

What are positive effects of tobacco advertising?


What does gas cause?

is this effects liver

What are the financial effects of tobacco use?

If the tobacco cost three dollars, you are short three dollars.

What are the effects of liver fluke?

they absorb the nutrients in the liver that can cause serious sickness

Side effects of tobacco?

there are a lot of side effects. cancer and acne would be two of them.

What are the effects of tobacco products and alcohol?

Death and stupidity.

What effects does tobacco have on the nervous system?

Calms you down