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Q: How does tree move water from the roots to the top branch?
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What properties of water help water move up the roots of a tree to the leaves of a tree against the force of gravity?

because of the signals from the tree it allows the water to move..

If you take a palm tree branch off and put it in water will it grow roots?

no, plams are monocotylendonous and do not develop adventicious roots

What are the parts of a sugar maple tree?

branch leaves and roots

How do you make a tree branch make roots?

you stick as much of the tree branch in the ground as you can then cut the part that's sticking out off so there's only a small stump left then water as much as you deam nesisary and wait.

How do you root a tree branch?

One can root a tree branch using the air layering technique. This involves applying a rooting hormone to a branch to make it grow roots while still on the parent tree.

What part of a tree drink the water?

the leaves and roots take the water ^^

Does each of the tree roots provide nutrition to the entire tree or just a section of the tree?

It is the small fiberous roots that get the nutrients and water from the soil, the larger roots are mainly for transporting the nutrients and water up to the tree. Each of the roots is responsible for a certain part of the tree. So if you were to cut off some roots, only the parts of the tree that they served would be affected.

Do branches of oak tree actually their roots?

An oak tree's roots are underground and anchors the tree to the ground. The roots also supplies the tree with water and nutrients. The branches support the leaves and acorns.

What part of tree takes in water?

The roots.

How does water enter a tree?

Through the roots.

Are the roots of a tree like a heart to a human?

Yeah! Cuz the roots collect water and distribute nutrients to the tree! ;)

Do oak tree roots invade water lines?

Any trees roots will only enter water or drain pipes where there is a break in the line. No tree roots will enter a secure pipe.