

How does tuna fish grow?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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13y ago

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Tuna fish is a fish, so it starts as an egg, hatches, and leads a normal fishy life

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What is a tuna fish considered to be?

A "tuna" is a type of marine fish, a sub-grouping of the mackerel family. Some species can grow to be very large.

Does tuna have paired legs?

No. Tuna are a fish and fish do not have legs.

Where do you get tuna fish juice?

from a tuna fish can

How many tins of tuna can you get out of one tuna fish?

You can get four tins of tuna out of one tuna fish.

What are some interesting ideas for serving tuna fish sandwiches?

The best tuna fish sandwich idea is croissant tuna fish sandwiches. What you put on the tuna fish sandwich is tomato, lettuce, and the tuna fish. Then you put croissant as the bread.

What do tuna fish eat?

Tuna fish eat other fish, squid, shellfish, and plankton. no, tuna fish do not eat seaweed. no poop

Where does tuna fish lives?

Tuna fish live in saltwater

What is the average size of a tuna fish?

The worlds record Bluefin Tuna caught on rod and reel weighed 1,496 pounds and was caught in 1979. No doubt there are bigger than that .They can grow very large. Alternate answer: There are many types of tuna and they all have different maximum sizes. The tuna used most commonly as food is the Albacore, which grows to 1.05 meters. The largest is the Bluefin tuna, which can grow to 4.58 meters

Does tuna fish come from dolphins?

No, tuna is a separate species of fish.

How do tuna fish hunt?

Yes, tuna prey on smaller fish.

Do tuna live in groups?


Are tuna fish filter feeders?

Tuna fish are not filter feeders. Tuna usually eat surface fish, or even lancetfish. They may also eat other tuna.