

How does tv ads influence people?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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16y ago

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It influences buying decisions or at least that is the purpose.

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Q: How does tv ads influence people?
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What TV show?

Ads do because if the show was without ads then you can watch peacefully. People walking in front of the TV can. :) this all

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Ads do because if the show was without ads then you can watch peacefully. People walking in front of the TV can. :) this all

How many ads per week on tv?

Simple question, complex answer. Some TV channels have few if any ads (government run), some channels have more ads at the time of day that more people are watching, some programs on tv are on ads

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most probably, because it is said that television can influence the human mind

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to make people stop smoking

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Drugs, alchahol, TV, peer pressure, ads, and celebrities Drugs, alchahol, TV, peer pressure, ads, and celebrities

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Technically speaking, TV reaches more young people and Tobacco is worse for you than alcohol.

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Yes, TV does influence the way people behave. Well, it really depends on the individual and how they behave to TV. It may or may not influence them

How do people advertise?

on tv , online , posters , leaflets , shops

Why do commercials shown during a tv show provide a ckue about the intended audience?

Advertisers want their ads to reach people to buy their products.

Can TV influence people and especially the young?


How are the campaigns able to put the ads on television?

they paid for the ads to be broadcast on television.