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Just like most insects, we can't see the "color" ultraviolet. Spiders can which is why they make webs in flowers to because butterflies are attracted. Ultraviolet rays damage us just like a fire. Since your skin isn't used to the rays or heat it will react in a certain way. Just like you putting paper in water. The paper isn't used to the moist so it damages.

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Q: How does ultra voilet rays dameged living beings?
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Where does light fall electromagnetic spectrum?

between infrared and ultra voilet

What ultra voilet radiation is absorb by the ozone molecules?

UV-B rays are absorbed. These are most fatal for mankind.

What kind of glasses do you need during an eclipse?

Dark glasses Those bolcks Ultra voilet rays to safety of eyes

Is ulta voilet radiation in the visible spectrum?

No. "Ultra"-violet is "past"-violet ... higher frequency/shorter wavelengththan anything to which your eyes are able to respond.

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Gamma rays- X-rays- Ultra voilet rays- Visable light- Infared rays- Microwaves- Radio Waves-

What is ultra voilet used for?

I assume you mean "ultra violet light." It can be used for many things, including just for funn at nightclubs and varius parties (ultra violet makes white things glow under them) or they are sometimes used on crime scenes to see if blood has been wiped of a surface.

What are the ricks of uv radiation?

UV means ultra voilet does harmful effect on humans. There is a chance of suffering of skin disease.might be skin cancer.all plants could get burnt.

Is a girl a bad thing?

Yes they are ultra horrible beings unlike boys. :)

What kind of waves are used for cooking?

Microwave can be use to transmit pictures.

Which layer of the earth's atmosphere protects the earth from these dangerous ultra voilet radiations of the sun?

Ozone layer protects us from the harmful UV radiations of the sun. It filters out these harmful radiations. It is present in stratosphere.

How do you fix an air conditioning leak in on a 1999 dodge grand caravan?

You have to find the leak and repair or replace the leaking part. The normal methods for leak detection are with a ultra voilet dye and a black light, or a electric leak detector ( sniffer )

What title does a person who performs ultra sounds for a living have?

a sonographer.