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Should be the same, when your home was originally built, it was pressure tested (without water). This assures that there is no leaks in the entire home, if the plumber knew what he/she was doing they designed the system to have the larger dimension pipes closer to the water meter and if designed correctly the furthest pipes from the water meter are the smallest dimension pipes in the house. This assures that when valves are opened in different parts of the house there is a greater likelihood of a maintained service pressure. Of course if you open a downstairs faucet (say a kitchen sink) and are doing laundry (in the basement) and then try to take a shower in an upstairs bathroom you will notice a drop in pressure.

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Q: How does water pressure on the ground floor compare with water pressure on the second floor?
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if the well pressure switch goes with the tank then the second floor pressure would more closely match the well pressure setpoints and the ground floor would have slightly higher pressure. with the tank and pressure switch on the lower floor the lower floor would more closely see the well pressure setpoints and the second floor would get slightly lower pressure.

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It depends on whether you are in America or Britain - Americans start numbering with the ground floor being called the first story, so the second story is the second floor from the ground. However, in the UK, the ground floor is the first story so that the second story would be the first floor above the ground.

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What in America is called the 'first floor' is called the 'ground floor' in Britain. The floor immediately above that is the 'first floor', what Americans would call the 'second floor'.

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Building A Thrilling Second Floor Deck with Plans You Found?

Perhaps one of the best things about relaxing on a deck at home is the feeling of ownership from being able to monitor one's backyard kingdom from up high. A ground floor deck can never compare with a second floor design in this way. Building your own second floor deck using plans you sourced can intensify the pleasure of later relaxing there and enjoying the view. Friends and neighbors will be amazed at your ingenuity.

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A lack of pressure to push the water up.

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What is the answer in integer for each being described 4 floors up?

Ground floor, first floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor. In integers: G or 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

Why is the 1st floor above the ground floor in the United Kingdom?

The ground floor is at ground level so the floor immediately above it must be the first floor.