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through xylem tissue

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Q: How does water reach the tip of plant from the soil?
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Related questions

What part of plant that absorption water?

In every plant, the roots that are dug into the ground by the soil absorbs the water to keep the plant healthy and strong. Another tip is plants need heaps of sunshine to survive!

How is soil arranged for sowing?

you tip the bag in to the plant pot

How do roots hairs help a plant?

Root hairs help a plant by soaking up water and nutrients from the soil and taking them up to the plant through the roots. Root hairs are cells at the tip of the root.

How does water reach to the tip of a tall tree?


What part of a plant anchors it in the ground and derives nutrients from the soil?

root cap, root tip..

What part of the plant anchors It in the ground and derives nutrients from the soil.?

root cap, root tip..

How can new plant devlope from runners?

A plant runner is a fast growing stem that grows on the surface of the soil. The plant runner can develop new plants off of the node tip. Plant runners often have stems that grow above the soil and takes root, and then become a new plant.

Can a garlic clove be planted?

Yes. Leave it in a dark, dry place until it begins to sprout a green tip. Plant with green tip up, but below soil surface.

What types of plant feeders are there?

There are several types of plant feeders. The basic plant feeders, such as the Hippohop, simply release water at a constant rate. Other plant feeders calculate how much water is in the soil and release water at a rate to maintain the balance.

How does the drip tip plant adapt to it's environment?

it is thick and waxy with a special tip at the end so when it rains the water fall right off the tip. therefore the name drip tip

What is used for a strawberry plant to make a new strawberry plant?

Strawberry plants are propogated by runners. A long shoot will grow out from the plant and it will root where the tip touches the soil. After it has rooted well it can be cut off and lifted and moved to its growing position.

How do roots perform their main functions?

Roots perform their main functions by absorbing water and nutrients from the soil, anchoring the plant in place, and storing food reserves. They also help in the transport of water and nutrients from the soil to the rest of the plant through their vascular tissues.