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It is far smaller in usual circumstances, around 1000 times smaller

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Q: How does wavelength of an electron beam compare with the wavelength of green light?
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Related questions

Can an object vibrate at the wavelength of light?

No object can vibrate at the wavelength of light. wavelength of light depends on the intensity of light and electron movements.

How would the wavelength and frequency of a red light compare to the wavelengths and frequencies of green and violet lights?

-- Red light has the lowest frequency of those three. -- Green light has lower frequency than violet light has. -- The wavelength of all light is inversely proportional to its frequency.

How do the wavelength and frequency of red light compare to the wavelength and frequency of blue light?

very nice answer.

Does yellow light have a greater frequency than green light?

Orange has a longer wavelength than yellow. On the spectrum of visible light red is longest and violet is shortest.

What is the wavelength of green light in nanometers?

um it would be (approximately) the same wavelength of the green light in nanometers instead of any other color wavelength it would nanometers.

Which has more energy green light or yellow light?

Green light. If you use the abbreviation ROY G. Biv ( red, orange yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), you will always know that the red light has the longest wavelength and violet has the smallest wavelength. Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional to one another. So if the wavelength is large, frequency is small, and when wavelength is small, frequency is large. Green light has a smaller wavelength than yellow. Likewise it has a higher frequency than yellow does. Therefore, green light has a higher frequency than yellow light.

What does the wavelength of electron if it moves with the speed of light?

-- First of all, since the electron has rest mass, it can never move at the speedof light.-- Following DeBroglie, the electron's wavelength is such that an integral numberof them fit around the length of the electron's orbit when it's bound to an atom.

What has a longer wavelength red or green?

Red light has the longest wavelength that's visible to the eye.Violet light, just past blue in the rainbow, has the shortest wavelengththat's visible to the eye. It's roughly half the size of a wave of red light.

What kind of light has a medium wavelength?


What makes the green light in a spotlight look green?

The wavelength of the light affects the way that we see it.

What is the wave length of green light?

Green light is roughly 520-570 nm in wavelength.

Why are electron microscopes capable of revealing details much smaller than those shown in a light microscope?

To put it in very simple terms, because the wavelength of an electron is much smaller than the wavelength of visible light.