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Q: How does wellness model of care apply to people with disability?
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What is a wellness model of care in relation to a person with a disability?

The wellness model of care re: disabilities has an emphasis on dignity and holistic care. It provides sructure,when caring for people with disabilities.

Examine the medical model and social model of disability?

medical model of disability focuses on the disability and expects the individual to be searching for a cure, and are overcoming a personal tragedy. This model focuses on what the individual cannot do rather than what they can. social model of disability focuses on society as being disabling, barriers within society are the cause of disability these can be physical, cultural attitudinal.

What is social model of disabilty?

The social model of disability is a reaction to the dominant medical model of disability which in itself is a functional analysis of the body as machine to be fixed in order to conform with normative values. The social model of disability identifies systemic barriers, negative attitudes and exclusion by society (purposely or inadvertently) that mean society is the main contributory factor in disabling people.

How the social model of disability underpins inclusive playwork practice?

The social model of disability includes the disabled person actively taking part in the community. Doing what everyone else does, therefore seeing beyond the disability.

Is Helen a model?

If you are talking about Helen Keller, she wasn't a model but a great woman with a disability.

What is the holistic model of disability?

Holistic mean looking at whole person, not just the disability part of them. A holistic model is taking into account the person's body, which includes any disease or disability, their mind, emotions and spiritual life and should be taken into account and seen as a whole.

How medical model of disability reflect on service delivery?

While built around a medical model, the social model provides a social focus to service delivery.

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What are common theories associated with disabilities?

Some common theories associated with disabilities include the medical model, which focuses on individual impairments and medical interventions; the social model, which views disability as a result of societal barriers and discrimination; and the biopsychosocial model, which considers biological, psychological, and social factors in understanding disabilities. These theories offer different perspectives on how disability is perceived and experienced in society.

Models of health and wellness?

In nursing it is:"Understanding and predicting the client's health behaviors, including the use of health care services and adherence to recommended therapies"-Fundamentals of Nursing, Potter and Perry.I can't tell you any more than that as I am trying to find out myself