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A polar bear does not actually have white fur. A polar bear's skin is black so it can soak up as much of the sun's rays as possible. Polar bears have almost transparent fur over black skin. Reflection of the sunlight from the densely packed transparent hairs makes polar bears seem to be white. The bears' black skin absorbs heat from the sun. The seemingly-transparent fur is made up of hollow hairs called guard hairs. These air-filled guard hairs help transmit heat from the sunlight to the polar bear's black skin as a solar heat collector. In turn, the reflection stops the heat being lost from their black skin. The polar bear's fur seems colourless and for many years, scientists worked on the theory that the individual hairs act as fiber optics bringing sunlight directly to the skin. This has recently been proven to be incorrect, and the hairs are not truly transparent, but contain keratin. Viewed side-on, the hairs appear colourless; viewed lengthwise (as if one was looking down a telescope) the hairs no longer appear transparent. However, even though the hairs do not carry light to the polar bear's skin, they do carry heat.
it helps them survive in the cold winters in Antarctica and the white fur helps them to camouflage themselves when searching for prey.

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The fox being white blends in with the snow and it can sneak up on its prey better.

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it helps them by keeping them warm.

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Q: How does white fur help the Arctic foxes survive?
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Are there laws that help save Arctic foxes?

Currently, no.

What are people doing to help arctic foxes?

Humans are adopting arctic foxes because the climate that they live in is harsh and hard to hunt for food.

Why are fennec foxes different from Arctic foxes and gray foxes?

The difference between the fennec fox and the arctic fox it that the fennec fox lives in hot conditions, and the arctic fox live in colder conditions. Also, they don't look like each other, the fennec fox has large ears so it can loose heat fast from it giant span, and it is has a much smaller skeleton to the arctic fox. Also, the fennec fox is an gingery colour. The arctic fox has small ears so it doesn't loose as much heat so it can stay warm in it harsh environment, it has white fur, and a much bigger skeleton to the fennec fox.

What does the Arctic fox do good for its environment?

Arctic foxes help control populations of small animals such as lemmings and Arctic hares.

Do foxes camouflage?

Arctic foxes do I think. Have you tried to look on other websites. Try and see if these help you:

How is the arctic foxes fur used to benefit in winter?

In the winter the Arctic Fox's coat turns white or blue-grey. This is to help the fox blend in with it's environment. The fox can then hide from predators and hunt prey without being detected.

Do arctic foxes keep warm or cool?

They have smaller ears to conserve heat. Foxes from warmer areas have larger ears to help dissipate heat.

How does an Arctic hare survive?

An Arctic Hare freezes, hoping not to be spotted. Then, if it must, it uses speed to escape predators. It changes its brownish coat to a white coat in winter, to help it be less noticeable against the snow.

How does the polar bear survive in the Arctic environment?

Polar bears have white fur which lets them blend in with the snow. They eat seals and other arctic animals. They also have a thick layer of fat to help insulate them from the cold.

How do Arctic foxes adapt to the weather?

An arctic foxes fur changes color throughout the seasons; summer, their fur is brown or black, but in winter their fur is white. It's white, thick fur and fluffy white tail help it survive in their extreme environment.

The arctic fox hunts and eats arctic hares to survive in the snow?

Hello, Yes, the arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) is a carnivorous species that relies on hunting and scavenging to survive in its cold, snowy habitat. In the winter, arctic hares (Lepus arcticus) are a common prey for arctic foxes, and they make up a significant portion of the fox's diet. Arctic foxes are well-suited to hunting in the snowy landscape, with thick fur coats that help them stay warm and specialized paws that allow them to move easily over the snow. In addition to arctic hares, arctic foxes also hunt and eat a variety of other prey, including lemmings, voles, birds, and eggs. They are also known to scavenge for food, including the remains of prey killed by other predators. Arctic foxes are adapted to survive in the harsh arctic environment, and they have a number of physical and behavioral adaptations that help them thrive in this challenging habitat. For example, they have thick fur coats that turn white in the winter to help them blend in with their snowy surroundings, and they are able to conserve energy by entering a state of torpor (a form of temporary hibernation) during the winter months. Sure, here are a few additional points to consider about the arctic fox: Habitat: The arctic fox is native to the arctic regions of North America, Europe, and Asia, where it is well-suited to the cold, snowy climate. It is found in a variety of habitats, including tundra, forests, and coastlines. Physical adaptations: In addition to its thick fur coat, the arctic fox has a number of other physical adaptations that help it survive in the cold. These include small, rounded ears that help reduce heat loss, short legs and a short, round body that help reduce surface area and minimize heat loss, and specialized paws that allow it to move easily over the snow. Behavioural adaptations: Arctic foxes are known for their ability to conserve energy during the winter months by entering a state of torpor, a form of temporary hibernation. They are also able to survive long periods without food by relying on stored body fat. In addition, arctic foxes are able to locate food using their keen senses, including their excellent sense of smell. Diet: Arctic foxes are carnivorous and hunt a variety of prey, including arctic hares, lemmings, voles, birds, and eggs. They are also known to scavenge for food, including the remains of prey killed by other predators. Conservation status: The arctic fox is classified as a species of "least concern" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, some subspecies, such as the blue arctic fox, are at risk due to habitat loss and other threats. I hope i was able to help!

How do Arctic animals survive frostbite?

Arctic animals have thick blubber and fur to help ,but sometimes they have to get in a den or shelter.