

How does your body change while pregnant?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Well the obvious

-Big tummy most of the time. (Some women may stay rather small)

Not so obvious to the naive

-Swelling of the feet

-Natural rejection of unhealthy foods

-stretch marks(sometimes)

-incrdibly tiredness

-back ache(around month 7 and on)

To elaborate on the above list....

The feet do swell up for some, but it usually indicates that the pregnant lady isn't drinking enough water.

Some women's appetite will decide what they can tolerate eating.... sometimes junk food is all they can get down without gagging on it. And, appetite can mean you feel hungry one minute, dissinterested the next.

And... just to throw a curve-ball, some women do not show any symptoms right up until they give birth. If they are a larger woman, they may not even know at all!

Sometimes, you develope discolourations on the skin

Your boobs often get so sore that someone breathing on them might hurt a bit.

Acne. Everywhere.

Nausea, usually lasting only 3 months, but some people have it right from beginning to end.

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