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Q: How does your immune system fight off hand mouth and foot disease?
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Can a disease get to you through your clothing?

Airborne germs are not concerned with clothing; they simply get breathed in through the nose or mouth and begin breaking down the immune system.

How does your mouth protect your mouth?

your immune system protects you from diseases, well depending on how healthy it is.

Can adults get hand foot and mouth?

I assume that you mean hand, foot and mouth disease. This disease is caused by a specific picoRNA virus called coxsackie virus. The disease is normally only manifested in children less than 10 years old, but theoretically, if you are exposed as an adult and have a weakened immune system, then you could catch it.

10 organs of the immune system?

There are not up to ten organs in the immune system. Here are the ones I am certain do appear in the chain though:StomachPancreasLiverSmall intestineLarge intestineRectumAnusThe mouth and oesophagus are also part of the immune system but they are not organs

The immune system's third line of defense against invading organisms is?

the but cheeks are the third defence against invading pathogens. If the skin or white blood cells have not later killed these systems. While you sleep your but cheeks got into your body searching for the pathogen once it is found the but cheeks squeeze so that is a sorbed and it is out of your system. if it is a serious disease the but cheeks start shutting inside your body so you eventually poo out of your mouth.

What is chromes disease?

You may mean Crohn's disease since chromes disease is not found in any medical references. Crohn's Disease is an auto-immune disease of the gastrointestinal (GI) system, also known as regional enteritis, inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. It can affect any part of the GI system from the mouth down, not just the intestines and causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other serious GI symptoms.

How does your mouth protect you from diseases?

your immune system protects you from diseases, well depending on how healthy it is.

Where is whooping cough bacteria hide in the body?

I believe it is located in the mouth or in the immune system.

Is lichen planus in the mouth contagious?

no, Lichen Planus is a vesiculoulcerative disease that caused by an overreaction of your immune system attacking part of your body that holds membranes together. Their are theories as to what causes this but nobody knows for sure.

Can you get hand foot and mouth disease if you have had chickenpox?

Yes, you can. I had chicken pox when I was under two years of age and contracted hand, foot and mouth disease a couple years ago. The strangest aspect of it all is that I was 30 at the time. Normally, only children actually come down with the disease when exposed. A great testiment to the effects of stress on your immune system!yes they are caused by different viruses

Can dogs have trench mouth?

Yes. Trench Mouth is a common term for Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis or Stomatitis. This is a severe infection of the oral cavity, usually bacterial, but may be complicated by the presence of yeast and or fungus, along with a compromised immune system. The dog typically has severe halitosis, ulcers in the mouth and the disease is progressive. Treatment consists of intraoral radiographs to rule out periodontal disease, followed by thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums, antibiotic therapy, good quality nutrition and immune support.

Which body system is affected by the autoimmune disorder known as Crohn's disease?

Crohns disease can affect the digestive system from mouth to anus.