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Q: How each organism might use the energy produced by chemical reactions in a human?
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What chemicals are in nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is not produced by chemical reactions

Metabolism is defined as?

Metabolism is the total amount of chemical processes that occur in living organisms. The process causes growth, energy and eliminate waste.

What chemical reaction produces the sun and energy?

These are not chemical reactions but thermonuclear reactions.

Describe the role of energy in chemical reactions?

Chemical reactions that release energy often occur spontaneously. Chemical reactions that absorb energy will not occur without energy.

What energy is in chemical reactions?

Chemical energy

Is the activation energy for chemical reactions in living things high or low?

Activation energy of reaction is the same regardless if it is in living organism or in test tube. Yet, the energy of activation can be lowered if catalyst is present. In living things catalyst lower the energy needed for chemical reactions.

What reactions convert light energy to chemical energy?

The light dependent reactions take in the light energy and convert that to chemical energy, but it is in the Calvin cycle (light independent reactions) where the chemical energy is stored in a complex sugar.

If the person can convert chemical energy to mechanical energy?

Chemical energy is energy produced by chemical reactions. Burning gasoline is one example. The reactions of materials in a battery that produce electricy are another. There are many such examples. Mechanical energy is energy of a mechanical system, such as a motor or engine. Examples are the automobile, the electric motor. and so on. Converting chemical energy to mechanical energy is what makes a car go.

Is chemical energy a source of electricity?

no, chemical energy is the energy released from chemical reactions

Chemical reactions that require energy?

endothermic reactions require energy

The expositon of dynamite is a chemical reactiondoes this reaction absorb or release energy?

Exothermic reactions release energy. Endothermic reactions absorb energy.

Why do chemical reactions always involve a change in energy?

Chemical bonds always break in chemical reactions, causing changes in energy.