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eagle eyes are about 100 times better than ours, they can "zoom" in with their eyes too.

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Q: How eagles eyes and human eyes differ?
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How do eagle and human eyes differ?


What is the difference between frogs eyes and human eyes?

no differ we can both see

How do eagles diet differ from antelopes?

Eagles are carnivores but antelopes graze, so they are herbivores.

Why do eagles have sharp keen eyes?

eagles have very sharp eyesight four to five times stronger than a human with a perfect vision .They can spot movement long distances away.Eagles have

Are Eagles good pets?

no they aren't because bald eagles can kill a human

Which animal have powerful eyes?

eagles have powerful eyesight

Do Bald Eagles close their eyes when they sleep?


Are eyes a human form?

Human eyes are.

What are the predators of Bald Eagles?

Mountain lions, alligators, and crocodiles prey on bald eagles.

What animal in the animal kingdom has the best eyesight?

such as raptors eagles hawks and falcons five times more powerful than a human eye and it can see more colours than a human also raptors have built in polarized eyes

What do human eyes have that fish eyes lack?

Human eyes have eyebrows while no fish has eyebrows. The human eyes also have eye lashes while fish do not have.

What animals eat bald eagles?

Bald eagles like to eat fish