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Q: How effective would a PEG tube be as opposed to a tube utilizing the nasogastric route?
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What is decompresser?

Intestinal decompression is relieving gas pressure produced when intestinal obstruction or paralytic ileus is present by placing a tube in the intestinal tract, usually via the nasogastric route.

What is the route of drug administration from slowest to fastest?

Slowest or LEAST EFFECTIVE route to MOST EFFECTIVE route: Topical (Slowest or least effective) Ingestion Intramuscular (IM) Intraperitoneal Inhalation (Inhaler or ET tube) Intravenous (IV) Some studies show administration of drugs via ET tube is as effective as IV.

How effective are fluroquinolones?

They are well distributed into bone tissue, and so well absorbed that in general they are as effective by the oral route as by intravenous infusion.

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Until fairly recently, rural route addresses were common in SC. We are a rural state, and most people live "in the country" as opposed to in a city or town. My address when I was a child was "Route 2, Jonesville."

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That would depend and what and where goods are being shipped from

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Routing plan is the process of determining (by computing) the most cost effective path (route) taking into consideration time and distance

Why are some people opposed to the keystone XL's prosposed route through nebraska?

Because it is a danger to the oglalla aquifer. which provides two million people with drinking water.

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yes it is

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An L3 switch is sort of like a high powered router. These switches use hardware to route packets of information, as opposed to a regular router which uses software.

How do you say 'Right side of the road' in French?

The right(-handed) side of the road is "le côté droit de la route" in French. The right (as opposed to "wrong") side of the road is "le bon côté de la route".

Why did the countries that traded wanted a water route?

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