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In almost all situations, the fossil fuel is combusted to generate heat. The heat in turn boils water into steam which is then fed to a turbine or other mechanism that converts the heat into rotational energy. This energy is then transferred (usually through a driveshaft) to an electric generator that produces electricity while it spins.

In most cases the power station is connected to a grid, and in that case the amount of power generated is almost exactly equal to the amount of steam fed to the turbine.

In fossil fuel stations the thermal efficiency is 25-50%. That means that even the most efficient ones waste about half the avaliable energy in the fuel, and the bad ones waste three-quarters.

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Q: How electricity is generated in a fossil fuel power station?
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Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by chemical combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind.

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100% of electricity is electrical power.

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In cars and trucks (oil), and in power stations (coal, oil and natural gas) to generate electricity.

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