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Intuitively the answer is a chemical reaction. This is true to an extent as outlined below.

Food is essentially organic (carbon based) compounds. So they have carbon, and usually hydrogen components, (others as well but for a general case we can just consider the hydrogen and carbon.) Through chewing and enzymes in the stomach and saliva to food is broken down into a sloppy mess of molecules which can be absorbed into the stomach lining. Up till now no energy has been produced, enzymes work as essentially catalysts, providing sites for reactions. Once the molecules are absorbed they travel via the blood to cells which contain mitochondria these are organelles (you can think of an organelle as an organ of a cell). The mitochondria absorb the molecule and together with oxygen from the lungs and react producing carbon dioxide and water. The products have a lower 'free energy' than the reactants. This means the products are more stable than the reactants, and energy is released in the reaction. (see Gibb's free energy in thermodynamics for more on this). This is aerobic respiration, in anaerobic respiration the organic molecules react with another molecule, (not oxygen) for example sulphur.

Jack K.

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Q: How energy i s transferred through food eaten?
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Energy is transferred in a food chain. It starts with plants absorbing energy from the sun. It is then transferred up through the food chain by animals that eat plants which are, in turn, eaten by carnivore's.

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How is energy transferred through a food chain?

10% or the energy of THE SUN is transferred. 1 tertiary consumers 10 secondary consumers 100 primary consumers 1000 producers 10000 sun

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How is energey tranferred through a food chainn?

Lets start with the sun. The sun's energy gets absorbed by the plant. Then the animal such as a rabbit eats the plant. The energy from the plant goes to the rabbit when the rabbit eats it. Then the rabbit gets eaten by a deer or another animal. The energy content being transferred gets lower and lower the farther it transfers through the food chain. Then afterwords lets say that a human would consume a deer. The energy from the deer would be transferred to us, humans.