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they called Hitler and asked if they could leave

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Q: How escaped from Hitler in concentration camps?
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When Hitler died did they stop Concentration Camps?

well yes and no.Concentration camps stopped before Hitler died, 2 prisoners escaped from Aushcwitz and told the Jewish citizens about the camps.

Who escaped from the concentration camps and moved to the UK?

the jews ___ Very few people indeed escaped from Nazi concentration camps.

What were the camps that Hitler owned?

Concentration camps.

What kind of camps did Hitler?

labor and concentration camps

Did concentration camps exist before Hitler invaded Poland?

No, concentration camps did not exist before Hitler invaded Poland.

How did Adolf Hitler use concentration camps?

Hitler used concentration camps to kill Jew's. who he blamed for the loss of ww1.

Was Hitler in the concentration camp?

No, Hitler never went into the Concentration Camps because, he could have caught diseases like Typhus which were common in Concentration Camps.

How many concentration camps did Adolf Hitler have?

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Main reason of the concentration camps?


What types of camps did Hitler make?

Concentration Camps Extermination Camps Labour Camps Transit Camps Death Camps.

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Why did Adolf create concentration camps?

What kind of camps did Hitler establish to send the 'undesirables' to?

They were sent to concentration camps ...