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pretty much,yes

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Q: How fair and effective is the electoral process?
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Related questions

What was a flaw in the electoral system that was exsposed in 1796?

The presidential electoral process in 1796 was flawed because the exercise was not free and fair.

The Electoral College is a fair system?


How can electoral comission in africa ensure free and fair election?

The electoral commission in Africa can ensure free and fair elections by remaining non partisan with the ruling class.

Is India's electoral system free and fair or not?

in the form of government

Is electoral a noun?

"Electoral" can function as both an adjective and a noun. As a noun, "electoral" refers to the process or system of electing representatives, such as in "the electoral system."

What is Afghanistan's electoral process?

my bummm!

Is the electoral system a fair way to elect pur president?

The electoral system is a fair way to elect our president. It gives the people an indirect vote as to who is elected into office. It ensures small and large states have equal opportunity. Each state votes on electors to be a part of the electoral college.

How was the electoral process for the president decided on at the Constitution Convention?


Should race be a consideration in the electoral process?

Absolutely NOT!

What is the best most fair and logical way for we the people to elect your president?

why do some people feel that the electoral collage is not a fair way to elect the president

What do you mean by demarcation of constituencies?

Demarcation of constituencies refers to the process of defining and setting boundaries for electoral districts within a country or region. This process helps ensure a fair and balanced representation of the population in elections by creating equally-sized and geographically coherent constituencies. It is typically carried out by independent electoral commissions or bodies to prevent gerrymandering or unfair political advantages.

What is the electoral process like in America?

Two party system