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Q: How far above the earth is the zone were the space ship heats up coming back to earth?
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A UFO? Because we don't know what it is and it is coming from space, to earth, and returning to space.

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The International Space Station is about 286 miles above the Earth's surface.

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By convention in the aerospace industry, Space is considered to be above an altitude of 100 km from Earth's surface.

How far abouve the earth is the zone were the space ship heats up coming back to earth?

Space Ships get heated on there return to earth due to friction from the atmosphere on the surface of the ship. The ships get hotter the closer they get to the surface. They begin to encounter very thin air at ~45-50,000 ft, and the atmosphere gets much more dense thus causing faster heating, the closer they get to the surface.

How far is th space from earth?

When you go 100 km above in the sky you are in the space.

What objects in space above earth take pictures of stars and planets?

its called a satellite, a large object floats in space above earth to take pictures of stars and planets

How did the space shuttle help life on earth?

It makes us know if there is a meteor coming or to where the earth is.

How high is the HST above the Earth?

The Hubble space telescope orbits between 562 and 567 km above the Earth.