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Q: How far are they successful in their aim in pressure groups?
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How far does a svd dragunov sniper rifle aim?

As far as the shooter can see.

How do you aim the pea shooter?

You can't as far as I know...

How successful do you've been so far?

I think they are highly successful

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The emphasis is on accuracy moreso than speed, although you do have to shoot more targets than your opponent.-- Concentrate on areas with lots of targets and remember to reload.-- Aim a little high because the Pea Shooter is not very powerful.-- Gradually move from one side to the other, unless you find that all the targets have been hit. Then you can swing to the far side because there are groups of targets on the far left and far right. Avoid wasting time changing your aim and keep firing.

What evidence is there that the human species has been successful so far?

There is none

How do you throw potions far in Minecraft?

Aim high so that you are looking up at about a 45 degree angle.

How successful have you been so far?

For many people success is measured by the jobs they have. If you have a great career, then you can reasonably consider yourself successful.

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No. It is far too hot and the pressure far too great

Which Nerf gun do you think what be better for accuracy and lots of power?

probably the vulcon. it is automatic, and it shoots pretty far. and the accuracy depends on who is holding it. if you have bad aim, don't shoot it. if you have good aim, then shoot it.

How far can iChat Text Messenger carry your message?

iChat is serviced by AOL Aim services, so it would be the same as everyone else's AIM programs, but I don't know if it supports text messages.

What are Pixars most successful movies?

So far, all the Pixar movies have been successful financially and critically (with the exception of Cars 2).