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Q: How far away can a shark smell a single drop of blood?
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How far away can a shark smell blood from?

1 mile is how far away sharks can smell blood.

How fall shark could smell?

Sharks can smell blood from about a mile away.

Why a shark can even taste a drop of blood in the ocean water?

They don't sense the blood ,they smell it or at least that's what i know.

From how far can a shark smell blood?

Sharks have an extremely good sense of smell! They can detect one drop of blood in 25 gallons of water and can smell blood over 1/4 mile away.

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How far away can a great white shark smell?

saw on discovery or history channel that they can smell one drop of blood from three miles away. have no idea how they can do it.

How do fish smell?

yes a shark has a very keen sence of smell. well naaaa

Can bears smell blood from miles away?

No. Although bears do have a very keen sense of smell for food. They cannot smell blood from miles away.

What does the nostrils do for the shark?

The nostrils of the shark help give it an advantage. The shark's nostril contains its sensory that helps to locate its prey or find prey probably miles away. It's also the most sensitive part of any shark.

Can sharks detect a drop of blood in a olympic sized swimming pool?

they can't really see in the water. But think of it like this , let's say if you were blind folded and you were pretending that you were a shark. and you sat a plate of pizza on the table you can smell that pizza like a shark can smell blood.

How far can sharks smell blood up to?

sharks can actually smell blood from almost a mile away

What do great white sharks like?

great white sharks loves blood because it can smell it from 1mile away that's why fisherman cut a fish so it can bait the shark