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test are standardized they look back up to 3 months (1.5" of hair ) only court orders go back farther

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Q: How far back are employers allowed to test hair for pot by law?
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What drug test is required for the Illinois security guard license urine or hair?

None. Just finger prints. Perspective employers will drug test you.

I have a Hair drug test coming up and the last use was 3 weeks ago am i okay?

No, they look back three MONTHS on a hair test but they can look back as far as your hair will let them.

Can a hair test detect past 1 year?

Yes, a drug test done on hair can go back as far as they cut, but typically they test the hair closest to the scalp which has the newest cells.

Will you fail a hair drug test if you haven't use for three months?

Hair drug tests can go back seven years. It is not against the law to ask how far back they test before you submit to the test

Why is a porosity test done on hair?

to test the hair to see if its damaged and able to have the treatment done, if the hair stands up once it have been pulled back by finger and the thumb then the hair is porus.

How is it possible that my hair test came back positive for cocaine i have been clean since aug of 08?

It's a hair test- If you have long hair, the traces of the drug haven't been disposed of, they're locked in the hair follicule. If you have short hair, I don't know how it came back positive.

You have smoked pot in over three months what is the chance that they can find that on a hair test?

100%, the hair test goes back 4-8 years.

Can you pass a five panel hair test if you have taken codeine 2 months ago?

No hair test go back 90 days for every 1/2 inch of hair.

Does ZYDOT Ultra Clean work for a Hair Drug Test even if they get the Root?

Yes, doing a hair drug test they are going back Months, and can even test up to a year.

How long does crack stay in your system if you do hair drug test?

It becomes a part of all of the hair that was in the process of growing when you were using. It becomes a part of the hair.

Can the lab test the wrong end of your hair drug test?

probably my test came back negitive. so i worried for nothing.

How far back does a hair test for weed detect?

approximately detection time for hair drug test is 90 days , longer if they use body hair