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It depends on the type of fish. Some have good eyesight, and others do not. It also depends on how deep they operate, and how clear the water is. The eyes of fish work on the same visible light spectrum as our own eyes. Some fish which live in water where there is no light are capable of creating their own phosphorescent light, and others are blind.

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Q: How far can fish see in the ocean?
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Can fishes see in the ocean when it is dark and why?

Fish don't need their eyes to see. They use other sensory organs. The sensory organs are connected to it's nervous system so the fish can see slight vibrations in the water, so they know where the fish are and not bump into them. The fish can also tell how far away the fish is and it can tell where a rock is by the vibrations around it.

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It helps the fish see its prey in the dark ocean

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Humans can't see in the ocean because the salt water burns their eyes.

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Those are salt-water tropical fish not the freshwater fish you see in pet-stores.

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because the water is so deep sunlight doesnt penetrate that far down, so they live in complete darkness. dont need to see if its too dark to

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The Fangtooth Fish lives in the deepest parts of the ocean at about 5000 meters.

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The ocean is like a vast, endless expanse of blue, stretching as far as the eye can see.

How big is a coelacanth animal crossing?

There isn't a size given specifically in feet or inches, but in the original and DS games, its the biggest fish you can see in the ocean by far. It shouldn't be too hard to spot.

What is mid ocean?

If a boat or ship is very far from land and all you can see is ocean, you could call that mid ocean. Being surrounded by ocean you would be in the middle of ocean.

How many are the fish in the ocean?

There are about 1.5 billion fish in the ocean.

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Fish do live in the ocean

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Spider fish ocean Portugal