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I've heard were ever the nuclear bomb hits, 300 miles from it everything is destroyed. Nothing would be left except some bodies and buildings sadly. I think you should be at least 500-600+ miles away from the hit so if you do survive,your food or water won't be infected from the blast.

Fact: I originally upgraded this story, however this user overwrote the true stats of an standard nuclear explosion. To survive an nuclear bomb, ideally be outside of of an 50 mile radius of the inital explosion. If you are within 50 miles, get moving away from the blast zone fast. Move up air. Study wind currents in your area and head where the wind will be flowing to the blast site, not from the blast site or down current. Good luck.

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Q: How far do you have to be to survive fallout from a nuclear blast?
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How can you survive a nuclear blast?

only by being far far away

How can you survive a nuclear explosion?

You can survive a nuclear explosion if you are far enough away from it for the initial heat and blast to have little or no effect on you. You then need to be deep enough underground or in a well-built shelter to avoid the radioactive fallout that would occur for days and weeks after the explosion. If you are far enough away, deep enough into a shelter, and have enough food, water, sanitation, medicine and luck, you would survive. To what end, who knows? But you'd be alive.

Why do people think nuclear testing above ground was eventually banned?

They learned about how far fallout can travel and affect people outside blast zones.

What are the dangers if a nuclear reactor explodes?

The main one is disbursal of its radioactive contents into the environment. The fallout from this has the potential to be much worse than the fallout from nuclear weapons, as the amount of material inside the reactor that can be disbursed is far larger than the fallout that can be generated by any nuclear weapon ever deployed.

Why are nuclear weapons so bad?

They can blow up earth.Think about Herishima.Similar thing will going to happen if the nuclear weapons are usedNo one has built or will build a nuclear weapon or enough nuclear weapons to "blow up the earth", it would have no military value. However the collateral damage in fallout from any major attack would likely kill far more people than the attack itself, and those results are unpredictable.

Can a human survive an atomic bomb explosion?

Yes, if far enough away and with a fallout shelter to protect from the radiation from fallout that might fall distant from the explosion. If closer then a blast shelter with fallout protection would be required. But all these preparations are expensive so they would not be available to everybody, and even if available quite a few people would not have the time to get to the necessary shelters.

What is a nuclear fallout?

When a nuclear weapon explodes above ground there is a great upsurge in air currents because of the heat released-you will have seen pictures of the 'mushroom' cloud no doubt. This carries the fission products formed by the nuclear explosive, and also a lot of dust and debris some of which will have been made active by the huge burst of neutrons released in the explosion. This cloud is carried up so far and then falls to earth-this is the nuclear fall out. The prevailing wind will determine which way the plume goes, and how far.

How should protect yourself if there is a nuclear detonation?

Seriously, the only thing you can really hope to do is hope you a very far from it when it happens and out of any fallout plumes. Nothing you can actively do in advance will guaranty your survival. Blast shelters are worthless. Fallout shelters may help some, if you are in a fallout plume but it is unlikely you will build it and keep it properly stocked with everything needed - remember you will NOT be able to stock it during an emergency situation.

If 10 titan 2 nuclear missiles hit the earth with 100 miles between each blast would mankind be wiped out from radiation or the blast?

Neither, effects would be mostly localized to 1000 mile area targeted. Effects of fallout radiation is unpredictable though due to weather, mostly wind and precipitation. Earth is far bigger.

Why do people have to test nukes at nuclear power plants?

Nuclear weapons are NOT tested at nuclear power plants!!!! They are tested at remote locations far from population centers, and responsible countries do all their testing underground to eliminate the fallout hazard.

What is the difference between a conventional bomb and an atomic bomb?

A standard bomb relies on the explosive power of chemical energy, like TNT for example. The size of the blast will depend on the amount of explosives packed into the bomb. After the blast, there will be the "usual" damage, which will be proportionate to the size of the bomb. Destruction and casualties will present as they always have from the blast of a weapon. With a nuclear weapon, the energy is derived from the nuclei of atoms (using either fission or fusion). It is nuclear energy, and nuclear weapons are, by tapping into this type of energy, able to deliver a much larger blast and broader blast effects than conventional weapons. The blast can be thousands or millions of times more devastating than any conventional bomb blast. And in addition to killing in the way chemical explosives do, it can also severely burn and can irradiate victims, and they can die weeks, months or even years after surviving the initial blast. There is also the element of nuclear "residue" from the nuclear blast. Radioactive contaminants will be found on the ground and in the air. And the airborne ones will circulate according to local weather patterns. This will create what is called fallout, and the radioactive materials can be deposited many miles from ground zero. This ends up creating health damaging effects far from the site of the blast.

How far can a nuclear blast from an a-bomb travel?

Around the world several times, getting weaker with distance. This is one way tests can be detected.