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Q: How far does a magnet have to be to attract certain things?
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How do magnets get stronger?

Because when the Magnet is in colder conditions it just does so fzck you and have a nice day

Can you attract Jupiter with a magnet as big as it?

I am not quite sure, but I believe that if you had another planet just like Jupiter, the gravitational force would be far more powerful than any magnetism.

Which is the distance between a magnet and a paperclip?

Unfortunately this question needs more detail to answer. Are you asking about how far apart a magnet and a paperclip are if they're touching (# of atoms), or how far apart the magnet at my house is from the paperclip in china, or how far apart a magnet has to be from a paperclip before it starts to create a pull (even this would need more details, what size of magnet, what strength, what size of paperclip)?

What is atracted to magnets?

Well it would have to be something that also has magnetic properties. Remember that similar poles/charges repel and opposites attract. So as far as what would be attracted by a magnetic force, I would say anything that is metal and has magnetic properties.

Will a magnetic attract gold?

No, gold is not magnetic. A gold coin that is attracted to a magnet is almost certainly gold plated over an iron or nickel base (though nickel is far less magnetic).

What are the important of perception?

Without it you cannot tell for certain how far things are away from you. This can be very dangerous.

Can the Cullen family hear things far away?

No, the Cullen family members do not have superhuman hearing abilities. They have enhanced senses to a certain degree, but not to the extent where they can hear things from far away.

What you can make visible by sprinkling iron fillings around a magnet?

By sprinkling iron fillings around a magnet the magnetic field can be shown. If the magnet is the opposite charge then the iron they will be repelled by the magnet showing how far the magnetic field reaches.

Why does a broken magnet remain a magnet?

It is so far experimentally impossible to separate the North Pole from the South Pole. Even if you cut the magnet into little pieces, it'll still remain a magnet because there will still be a North pole and a South Pole

Does rabbit urine attract snakes?

as far as i know i do not think so

Did the Far West attract many freedmen?

It was a change from plantation life.

Why do some charge things attract?

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