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*Top seawatter's conductivity is about 4 S·m/m2. *Sheer watter's conductivity is 5.5 µS·m/m2. Thus, lightning's extinction coefficient is 730,000 times shorter.

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5d ago

Lightning does not travel through water. In both pure water and ocean water, electricity will follow the path of least resistance, which is typically on the surface of the water or through a conductive material within the water, rather than through the water itself. Lightning can, however, strike the surface of the water and potentially travel through it if there are conductive ions present.

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Q: How far does lightning travel in pure water versus ocean water?
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Why does lightning spread out on the ocean instead of going straight down?

Lightning spreads out on the ocean due to its conductive properties. As water is a good conductor of electricity, the lightning will disperse horizontally across the surface rather than going straight down to the ocean floor. This allows the electrical charge to dissipate more evenly.

How far will lightning travel when it hits a body of water?

Why did u ask fo

When lightning hits the ocean?

When lightning strikes the ocean, it can potentially electrocute nearby marine life. The electricity can travel through the water, posing a danger to marine animals and swimmers. Lightning strikes can also create loud underwater booms known as "thunderclaps" due to the rapid expansion of superheated air.

Why does lightning strike near water?

Lightning tends to strike near water because water is a good conductor of electricity. In areas with bodies of water, such as lakes or oceans, the presence of charged particles in the atmosphere can create differences in electric potential that lead to lightning strikes targeting these areas. Additionally, water vapor and droplets can aid in the electrical discharge process.

Can lightning travel through rock?

Yes, lightning can travel through rocks, but it will follow the path of least resistance, which may not always be through the rock itself. Lightning typically seeks conductive materials like metals or water to travel through, but in some cases, it can still pass through rock if the conditions are right.

Related questions

Is it dangerous to be on the ocean in a lightning storm?

Yes, it is dangerous to be on the ocean during a lightning storm. Lightning can strike the water's surface and travel through the water, potentially harming anyone in the vicinity. It's best to seek safe shelter during a storm.

If you are swimming in an ocean and lightning strikes the ocean would survive?

Yes, you would likely survive because water is a good conductor of electricity and the current from the lightning would disperse in the water. However, it is important to get out of the water as soon as possible to avoid any potential dangers from subsequent strikes or nearby electric currents.

In what medium does an ocean wave travel?


What does water that moves in an ocean travel in?


Why does lightning strike near water?

Lightning tends to strike near water because water is a good conductor of electricity. In areas with bodies of water, such as lakes or oceans, the presence of charged particles in the atmosphere can create differences in electric potential that lead to lightning strikes targeting these areas. Additionally, water vapor and droplets can aid in the electrical discharge process.

Do water with more salt take longer to freeze?

Yes, thunk about an ocean versus a lake

What type of medium does an ocean wave travel through?

Ocean waves travel through the medium of water. As the wind transfers energy to the surface of the ocean, it creates ripples that develop into waves that propagate across the water's surface.

Why aren't you supposed to take a shower during a lightning storm?

Lightning can struck water pipes and travel all the way to the tub, and electrocute you.

Why does lightning spread out on the ocean instead of going straight down?

Lightning spreads out on the ocean due to its conductive properties. As water is a good conductor of electricity, the lightning will disperse horizontally across the surface rather than going straight down to the ocean floor. This allows the electrical charge to dissipate more evenly.

What body of water did Columbus travel on?

The Atlantic Ocean, for one...

What are waves that travel across water called?

ocean tides

What is the medium through which an ocean wave will travel?

An ocean wave will travel through a medium of water, with the energy of the wave causing the water particles to move in a circular orbit as the wave passes through. This movement transfers the energy of the wave across the water's surface.