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about a mile

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4d ago

Sunlight can penetrate into the ocean to an average depth of about 200 meters (656 feet). This depth can vary depending on factors such as water clarity, time of day, and geographic location. Beyond this depth, the ocean becomes progressively darker as less sunlight is able to penetrate.

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What is a synonym for the word decline?

As a verb decline has these meanings:TURN DOWN, synonyms = reject, brush aside, refuse, rebuff, spurn, repulse, dismiss; forgo, deny oneself, pass up; abstain from, say no; informal give the thumbs down to, give something a miss, give someone the brush-off; Brit. informal knock back.DECREASE, synonyms = reduce, lessen, diminish, dwindle, contract, shrink, fall off, tail off; drop, fall, go down, slump, plummet; informal nosedive, take a header, crash.DETERIORATE, synonyms = degenerate, decay, crumble, collapse, slump, slip, slide, go downhill, worsen; weaken, wane, ebb;

How did elderly people survive humidity before air conditioning?

Before air conditioning, elderly people would survive humidity by staying in shaded areas, using cool cloths or fans to stay cool, and keeping windows open to allow for better air circulation. They may have also worn lighter clothing and drank plenty of water to stay hydrated. Additionally, they may have taken advantage of structures built with natural cooling features, such as high ceilings and porches.

How long do people normally live in a nursing home?

On average, people stay in a nursing home for about 2-3 years. However, this can vary widely depending on individual health conditions and needs. Some may stay for shorter periods for rehabilitation or respite care, while others may reside in a nursing home for several years.

Why do you have the sensation of moving when you go to bed after riding quads or boating or skiing?

This sensation, known as the "phantom effect," occurs when your brain is still perceiving the motion from the activity you were recently engaged in. Your brain adjusts to the movement patterns from riding quads, boating, or skiing, and when you lie down in bed, it takes some time to readjust to the lack of motion, causing the sensation of moving.

How do you change your age on facebook?

To change your age on Facebook, go to your profile, click on the About section, and then select the Contact and Basic Info tab. From there, you can edit your birthdate to update your age. Remember that you can only change your birthdate a limited number of times, so make sure it's accurate.

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Why is the depth of a ocean cold?

No sunlight reaches that depths, although if you go far enough down there're hydrothermal vents which in return heat things up.

How far did the Titanc go down in the ocean?

2 and half miles down

How do ocean convection currents happen?

the sun sprays rays of sunlight which go into the ocean and then they go back out

How far down would you have to go to see the titanic?

To the very bottom of the ocean. The bottom of the ocean is 2 1/2 miles (3,821 meters) below sea level

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You can if you have a Boat and enough oxygen. Do not go to far down or when you try to come up you'll have no oxygen.

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It gets colder because the Sunlight heats the ocean and the deeper you go, the less penetrating the Sunlight is, therefore making the ocean water colder.

What factors makes it difficult to explore the ocean floor?

No one can go that far down to the ocean because it would be to much pressure. May your head could blow that's how much pressure it would be.

Has there ever been a picture taken at the deepest part of the Ocean?

no, because we do not yet have the technology to go down deep enough, and don't have cameras that work well enough when going down that far.

How far can a ship go without fuel?

It will go wherever the ocean currents take it.

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as far as the midnight zone

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Brazil is as far east as you can go in south borders the Atlantic ocean.