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Breast cancer has gone so far as to kill people. It can't go further.

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Q: How far has breast cancer gone?
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Related questions

What can breast cancer do to you?

it can eat away at your breast tissue and you will have to get your breast(s) removed if the cancer has gone to far but if you seek help immediately there could be a way of stopping it in time!

If breast cancer has gone untreated would the patient be likely to have flu like symptoms?

No, much worse.

Can breast cancer stay local?

Breast cancer can stay local or it can spread (metastasize), depending on how early it is caught. Cancer is staged depending on how far it as spread, with the best prognosis being those that are still local.

Does Angelina Jolie have breast cancer?

No, Angelina Jolie never had breast cancer. She has the gene for breast cancer. She removed her breasts to stop any cancer from forming.Angelina Jolie does not have breast cancer. She does carry the gene for breast cancer. She had a preventive mastectomy.No, Angelina Jolie has never had breast cancer. She was tested and told that she carried the breast cancer gene. She has a preventive mastectomy.Angelina Jolie does not or did not have breast cancer. She had breast surgery just as a precaution because of her mother having breast cancer.

Does breast suking can avoid breast cancer?

Breast sucking will not avoid breast cancer.

What are the signs of breast cancer in stage 2?

The different stages of breast cancer refer to how far the cancerous tumor has spread in the body. In Stage 2, the cancer is still relatively small and contained in the breast. It may or may not have reached the lymph nodes.

Can you get breast cancer from pinching your breast?

No. The damage types that trigger cancers are far too small to be caused by physical damage such as pinching.

Is breast cancer a diesease?

Breast cancer is a disease.

Is breast cancer noninfectious?

no breast cancer is not infectious

Does breast feeding cause breast cancer?

If you have breast cancer and receiving chemotherapy then you cannot breastfeed your baby.

Is breast cancer a carcinogen?

Cancer can be a carcinogen. Carcinogen are usually in breast cancer.

What are some treatments for stage 4 breast cancer?

Stage 4 breast cancer is where the cancer has gone to another part of the body, most commonly bones, brain, lung or liver. Treatment options include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, biological therapy, surgery and radiation.