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6 feet

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Q: How far in to the ground would a quarter go if you dropped it off the Empire State Building?
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What is the speed of a quarter if dropped from 6 feet?

The fact that it is a quarter is totally irrelevant. It will hit the ground at a speed of 19.6 feet/sec.

A ball was dropped on a top of the building and hits the ground after 15 s. What is the height of the building?

381 metres

If an object is dropped from a tall building and hits the ground 3.0 sec later how tall is the building?

44 meters tall

A ball is dropped from the top of a building and hits the ground 3 seconds later. a. what is the height if the building b. with what speed did it hit the ground?

a. 144 feet b. 96 ft/sec.

What is the ground area for the Empire state building?

5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00,000 kilometer ( Rough guess

What would happen if you dropped a coin off the Empire State Building?

it would hit the ground, even if it hit some one the terminal velocity of a coin is not enough to kill them, it would just hurt like hell.

When dropped from a building a cricket ball and a football have the same velocity or they hit the ground at same instant which more correct answer?

they hit the ground at same instant

What is the height above ground level - in feet - of the observatory in the Empire State Building?

1472 feet

Can a bouncy ball jump over a 10 story building?

It could if you slammed the bouncy ball on the ground hard enough, or if you dropped it from a 30 story building. probably not

A stone that is initially at rest is dropped from the top of a building it falls for 5.0s before hitting the ground how tall is the building?

The building is h=.5 gt^2 meters tall; that is = .5x9.8 x25 =122.5 meters.

A softball and a ping-pong ball are dropped off of a tall building Which statement describes in what order they hit the ground and why?

The softball hits the ground first because it is less affected by air resistance.

What is the speed of a ball that has dropped from a 100 m tall building when it reaches the ground in 4.5 seconds?

The speed is 44.4... repeating metres per second.