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Unless they've recently changed it, distance from the rubber to the center of home plate is sixty feet, six inches.

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Q: How far is it from the pitchers mound to homeplate in the mlb?
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Related questions

What is the distance between the pitchers mound and homeplate on a minor baseball league?

60 feet 6 inches like the MLB

What is the distance from mound to home plate in minor league?

The minor league uses the same distances as the MLB. So the pitchers mound is exactly 60ft 6" away from homeplate

How far is a pitchers mound from home plate in little league?

Same as MLB 60' 6''

What is The Diameter of the pitchers mound?

The diameter of an MLB pitcher's mound is 18 feet.

What is the elevation of the pitchers mound?

In MLB, the pitching rubber is at a height of 10 inches.

How far is the pitcher from home plate in a MLB game?

In MLB, the pitchers mound to the rear point of home plate is sixty feet, six inches (18.4m). In Little League baseball, the mound is 46 feet away, while on Pony fields the distance is 54 feet.The Major League pitchers' rubber is 60 feet 6 inches away from home plate. It all depends on how long a pitcher's stride is to determine how far the pitcher will actually throw from.Tim Lincecum is one of the shortest pitchers in the MLB and has one of the longest strides. Ironic.

What is the distance between home plate and pitchers mound in the MLB in feet?

60ft, 6in... or 60.5 feet

How far is the mound for the plate on a mlb field?

the mound is 60 feet away from the plate

How many feet between the pitchers mound and first base?

In a regular MLB game, it is about 60 feet. Normally it should be the same distance from the pitcher's mound to home plate.

How far is the pitching mound from home in baseball?

In MLB the mound is 60 feet 6 inches from the plate

How far is it from home plate to the pitchers mound in midget league baseball?

The distance from home plate to the rubber for midget baseball is the same as the MLB distance, 60.5 feet (60'6")

How many total bases are used in an mlb game?

5 First base Second base Third base Home Pitchers mound