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Q: How far is the Proxima Centuri away from earth in light years?
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How far is Proxima Centuri from the earth in km?

4.2 light-years or 39,735,000,000,000 kilometers (39.735 trillion km).

How much far of the star in to the earth?

Which star do you mean? Sol, commonly called the Sun is 93 million miles away from earth. The next nearest, Proxima Centauri in the Alpha Centuri system is 4.2 light years away.

Name the star nearest to earth except sun?

Proxima centauri.After the Sun (8 minutes away at light speed), the next closest star is Promixa Centuri, at 4 1/2 light years away

How many light years away is Proxima Centauri from the earth?

About 4.2 light years

How far is the earth to the proxima centauri?

Approximately 4.2 light-years.

How far from earth is Promima Centauri?

About 4.2 light years from earth. and its ProXima Centauri :)

How many miles away is proxima centauri from earth?

Proxima Centauri is about 4.2 light years from Earth.About 4 x 1013 kilometers (40,000,000,000,000)About 2.5 x 1013 miles (25,000,000,000,000)About 265,606 AUAbout 1.3008808 ParsecsIf the Earth was only an inch from the Sun, at the same scale, Proxima Centauri would be 4.2 miles away.It is the closest star to us, after the Sun.

Which star is the second nearest star to the earth?

Proxima Centauri at about 4.2 light years.

How far is earth from proxima centauri but not in light years?

In units other than light years, the distance to Proxima Centauri is approximately:1.30 parsecs269,000 astronomical units40 trillion kilometers25 trillion miles

How far away is alpha centuri?

4 light years

Which is the closest star to earth not counting the sun?

The closest star to earth is the sun. The next closest is a red dwarf star called Proxima Centauri, much further away. The sun is around 8 minutes away at the speed of light, while Proxima Centauri is around 4.2 years away at the speed of light (light years).

How many light years away from earth is proxima centauri?

4.2 light years. Which equals to... 8765.81 x3600 x 300,000 = 9,467,074,800,000 Kilometers away from Earth