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Q: How far is the surface of the Earth to the center of the Earth?
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How far from the crust to the core?

Approximately 3,960 miles from the surface of the Earth to the center.

How far down is it from the surface of the earth to the center?

6378 km I think that is about 3963 miles?

What Circle on Earth's surface has the center of Earth as its center?

Any circle on the Earth's surface whose center is at the center of the Earth is called a "great circle". Any circle with its center anywhere else is called a "small circle". Spiritually, many consider the kaaba (Mecca) to be the center of the Earth's surface.

When was National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics created?

National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics was created in 2002.

What is between the surface of the earth and the center of the earth?

The Earth's mantle.

How far is it from the surface to the center of the Earth?

It's farther from the equator than from the poles, but the average distance is 6371 km (3959 miles).

What is the distance through the earth's center from surface to surface?

7,000 km

If the earths mass doubles and your mass doubles how far from the center of the earth do you have to move so that tour weight will be the same as what it was before the masses changed?

You would have to double your distance from the center of the earth, or about 4,000 miles off the surface.

How does pressure changes as you go from the surface to the center of the earth?

As you travel from the surface to the center of the Earth, pressure will increase enormously, because of the increasing weight of what is above you.

What is the distance from the surface of the earth to the center in km?

The average distance from Earth's surface at the equator its center is about 6378 km. The distance from near the north and south poles to the center is somewhat less.

Is the surface of the earth the same as the centre of the earth?

No. The surface of the Earth is the outermost part, the part where we live. The center of Earth is the core, the middle of the sphere.

Why is uranus gravity similar to earth?

Saturn's greater mass is compensated by its lower density. Stated another way, if you are on Saturn's "surface" (it doesn't really have any proper surface like the Earth), the center of Saturn is far away.