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Many military jets can fly up to or over 50,000 feet.

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Q: How far up in the sky can a aeroplane go?
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What happens to the aeroplane if the centre of gravity is to far forward or to far back?

the pilot needs to struggle to keep the nose up or it will go into a dive, that's if he can get it off the ground

How far did the atomic bomb in Hiroshima go up in the sky?

1000 ft.

What happens to the airplane if the center of gravity is too far back?

The Aeroplane will decrease in speed and eventually fall out of the sky. This is because Up-thrust and Gravity work together. If the gravity is too far back, the force 'Up-thrust' will not work.

What go up to the sky and haves wings?

Birds go up in the sky and have wings

Why does the sun go up in the sky?

The sun does not go up in the sky. The Earth is turning on an axis making the sun seem to go up.

Something found in the sky that begins with t?

It depends on where the sky begins. That is the real question. If the sky begins from the ground, then most of a tree will be in the sky, as will all the Toyotas. Perhaps the twine attaching the kite to the child will be up in the sky. If I was in a brass band and threw my tuba up in the air .... If someone is wearing a top hat or a turban, that could be considered to be up in the air, particularly if they were flying in an aeroplane. What about a man flying a hanglider wearing trousers. If the sky begins at the top of sky scrapers then something a little bit higher up could be a Turbo-prop aircraft.

Is it possible to make rain?

well that's a hard one but i don't think anyone can ever make rain its kinda impossible. rain fall from the sky and the sky is too high up for you guys to reach but you can make your own one by going in an aeroplane and throw water from the sky (LOL)

Why can't you see stars when you're up in a plane?

You cant see stars in an plane because of all the clouds blocking the viewAnswer:Nothing stops you from seeing stars in the night sky when you are in an aeroplane. You cannot see them in the daytime sky for the same reasons that you cannot see them in the daytime sky from the ground. The light from the sun interacts with the atmosphere to produce a scattering of light that overpowers the light from the stars. An aeroplane is only a few kilometers from the ground and still deep in the atmosphere of the earth.

How does volcanic ash effect the engines in a flying airplane?

The pieces of dust could clog up the tubes in the engine and stop it working. No engine, no flight. The aeroplane will just fall out of the sky.

What is up in the blue sky?

the o-zone layer which will choke you if you fly too far up

Does water go up in the sky?

yes it does

What is up the sky or pie?

The Sky Is Up as Far as i Know the Pie can't be put up or it will fall The sky has a Heavy Package If you Throw Some thing It Will Come Back down . The Sky is More inportent in Life I Don't Care if Pie is Yummy To eat .. So there your Anwser is Sky