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It gets into your lungs and it depends how long your in the area where abestos is like I have a abandon hopsital down the road it's very creepy and it has abestos in the walls and they told people not to go in there so yeah don't go near places with abestos in the walls

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Q: How fast can asbestos affect your body?
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How does asbestos cause the most damage and what body system does it affect?

breathed into the lungs.

How do asbestos test effect your immune system?

Exposure to asbestos will likely compromise the immune system because of the long-term stress to the body. The test for asbestos exposure does not affect the immune system.

What kind of cancer does asbestos cause?

Asbestos can cause:Pleural plaquesAsbestosisLung cancer andMesotheliomaAlthough each of these conditions can be caused by asbestos, one condition does not lead to another; each is independently caused by the presence of asbestos in the body.

What company do you contact to remove asbestos?

An Asbestos Abatement Contractor. Check there may be a listing??? EPA is sanctioning/governing body concerning asbestos.

How does asbestos enter the body?

Inhalation or ingestion

What are the causes of mesothelioma?

Approximately 80% of all mesothelioma patients have a history of asbestos exposure. The majority of these patients were employed in an industry that involved the use of asbestos in some fashion.

What are the dangers of asbestos siding?

Old asbestos can crumble and the fibers may become airborne. If inhaled, this could be damaging to the body. However, new and maintained asbestos do not present these dangers and are completely safe.

Will an asbestos lawyer help your family if the victim is deceased?

Asbestos lawyers will file a wrongful death claim on behalf of a deceased asbestos victim. The statute of limitations, as well as the state in which the family member lived will affect whether or not the case can go to court.

Why do some people want to remove all asbestos from buildings?

If asbestos is compromised it can become air borne and cause severe air quality problems, which can cause a sick building. This can affect people that have been in contact with the asbestos and can cause long term health issues!

How unsafe is an asbestos exterior on a house?

Asbestos exteriors on houses is usually in the form of asbestos cement or similar hard materials. The asbestos fibers in such materials is "encapsulated" and cannot be released into the environment unless the material is crushed or turned to dust in some other way, as, for example, by drilling or saw cutting. The only way asbestos can be harmful is if it gets into the body. The only way asbestos from asbestos concrete can get into the body is if it is released by turning the concrete material into some form of dust. Therefore, as long as you do not drill, cut, sand or otherwise break it up the material it is not a hazard. There is also the issue of what happens as the weather erodes the material. Tests on asbestos-concrete barn roofs in France some 20 years ago showed that the weathering process not only degrades the concrete, but also destroys the fibrous nature of the asbestos component. So no particular hazard there.

How carcinogens affect the body?

A carcinogen affects the body in an adverse way. Carcinogens cause the cells in the body to multiply too fast causing organs to be unable to function normally. Carcinogens are what causes cancer in the human body.

What element is fire resistant it's material no longer used due to its carcinogenicity?

Asbestos (particularly blue asbestos)