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6 billion km.

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Q: How fast do radio waves travel in a empty space?
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Related questions

Why can radio waves travel through space but sound waves can not?

Radio waves travel through empty space because they are electromagnetic waves, whereas sound is a wave that must travel through air.

Wave that can travel through an empty space?

what is a form of energy that travels as waves through the air and some solids and liquids call?

Is mechanical waves can travel though empty space true or false?

No, mechanical or pressure waves can not travel through empty space

Why can sound waves not travel through empty spuce?

Sound waves cannot travel through an empty space because an empty space is usually a vacuum.

What waves can't travel through empty space?

Sound waves.

What is true of waves?

Electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space.

What is waves that can travel through empty space?


Why radio waves can travel through space but sound waves cannot?

radio astronomy

Why can radio waves can travel through space but sound waves cannot?

radio astronomy

How could Neil Armstrong talk to Nixon through the vacuum of space?

The communication was done using radio signals which can be transmitted in a vacuum. Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, as are light waves, x-rays and microwaves. Just as light from far distance stars travel through empty space and reach your eyes, so can radio waves travel through space to a radio receiver.

Which type of wave can travel through empty space by electromagnetic waves?

Light, a combination of oscillating electric and magnetic fields.

What type of wave can move through space?

Light waves do, but sound waves cannot, because in space is no medium to carry the vibration. Radio, TV and others can travel in space also.