

How fast does a cheetah grow to its full size?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How fast does a cheetah grow to its full size?
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Yes. Cheetah's are too small to hunt down and kill a full grown zebra or a buffalo. A zebra calf is about the size that a cheetah can tackle and hunt. Gazelle's, Impala and Springbok are the usual prey species as they are around the size that a cheetah can catch and kill.

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The lion will win hands down if there is a one on one fight. A full grown male lion is nearly 4 or 5 times heavier than a cheetah and atleast 2 to 3 times larger in size. However, the lion is not as fast as the cheetah. So, catching one would be the difficult part. If they do, then the cheetah doesn't stand a chance.

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